Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First full day of kindergarten!

Wow, families!
We made it through our first day as a class!  There were a few tears today (me included) and so much activity!  Everyone got home the correct way and I am most grateful to have really begun our journey.
I don't know how your children are faring, but, I know my son did not make it past 7:10 this evening before finally surrendering to sleep.
Today was very busy, I cannot believe I remembered to take out my camera.
The children learned about position and location in mathematics this afternoon.
We were having so much fun, I forgot to take them to the library!  Yikes!
I started by introducing the vocabulary to the children by saying the word, "inside".  Then, I clapped out the word in syllables.  The children then turned to a neighbor and whispered the word.  When I wrote the word on the whiteboard the children said, "inside!"  I almost dropped my dry erase marker.
I took out hula hoops (thanks, Coach!) and demonstrated jumping inside the circle.  By then, all the children were ready.  Upon returning to our seats, the children had a blank paper with a rectangular box.  They drew themselves jumping inside the circle.  We had practiced writing and reading the sight word "I" today so the children were able to write a beginning sentence in their math journal.

We finger spelled L-O-V-E today (as a way of creating a hook into long-term memory), we learned more ASL (American Sign Language) for signs that are useful in class management, we read Dr. Seuss, learned some of our friends names and whew, what a day!
Oh, the things we will learn tomorrow!
Good night, families.
Mrs. C.



Bravo! Love it! You inspire me. Te quiero mucho. - Ma

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Your love and encouragement make me brave!
Gracias, hermana for providing both to me so effortlessly.

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