Monday, July 30, 2012


17 more days and counting until your child will complete one of the most important milestones in his/her life, the first day of school!  I understand that you and your child may meet this day with excitement or apprehension (or a little bit of both).  Starting school is something that the children have probably been talking about all summer.  Soon, they will walk into a new room with new children, new grownups and new "stuff".  Perhaps as you begin to look a little teary-eyed at the realization that your little baby has grown up so fast...I want to share with you I understand how you feel. I too, have a little one beginning kindergarten this year.  As our first opportunity to build our relationship, I am providing a few tips for us to get through those first few days!

  • Try to act confident.  If you seem unsure about leaving your child the first day, your child may perceive that and start wondering if there is a reason to worry.
  • Plan on staying only about five minutes the first day getting your child settled.  A longer amount of time may make separation more difficult.  Plan on attending the Boo-Hoo breakfast for Kindergarten parents the first day.
  • Please rest assured, I will contact you at home or work if your child is having an especially hard time.
I believe that a positive parent-teacher partnership is necessary for maximum success.  Throughout the year, I will utilize the blog, school planner and telephone calls to communicate with you.  I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at anytime.  You can call me at school (386) 206-4600 x 4727, send me a note in the planner, or email me at

I can't wait to meet you!

Mrs. Caronna


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